Advanced Muay Thai / Open Gym

Class Requirements:

  • 1 month of the beginner classes plus a minimum of 6 months in the technique class.

Class Description:

Continue to build on the skills learned in the beginner and technique classes. The class will include conditioning, bag work, Thai pads, technique, sparring and clinching. If you are interested in competing in a tournament, smoker, amateur fight or just want to further your training and challenge yourself, this class will help you prepare and give you the necessary skills to complete your goals. Just because you come to this class, it doesn’t mean you need to fight or compete.

Required Gear:

  • Hand wraps
  • 16 oz gloves (male)
  • 12 oz gloves (female)
  • Shin guards

Recommended gear:

  • mouth guard
  • groin cup
  • elbow pads